Welcome to
Asosiasi Doktor Sistem Informasi Indonesia

Indonesian Information Systems Doctoral Association

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Founder ADSII

Dr. Usman Ependi, S.Kom., M.Kom
Chairman of the Association
Dr. Ir. Muhammad Arifin, S.Kom., M.Kom., IPM
Secretary of the Association
Dr. Arief Hidayat, M. Kom.
Treasurer of the Association
Dr. Fauzan Masykur, S.T, M.Kom.
Association Supervisors
Dr. Arif Setiawan, S.Kom., M.Cs
Association Supervisors

Prof. Dr. Ridwan Sanjaya, S.E., S.Kom., MS.IEC

Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata

Asosiasi Doktor Sistem Informasi Indonesia (Indonesian Information Systems Doctoral Association) marks a pivotal step for young people to collaborate and synergize, aiming towards the vision of a Golden Indonesia by 2045.

prof adian

Prof. Dr. Adian Fatchur Rochim, S.T., M.T., SMEEE

Diponegoro University

Asosiasi Doktor Sistem Informasi Indonesia (Indonesian Information Systems Doctoral Association) serves as an excellent platform for collaboration among doctoral researchers in information systems to advance the tri dharma of higher education

3 Type of ADSII Member

Honorary Member

An Honorary Member is an Indonesian Citizen who is individually recognized and appointed by the Association's Management at a certain level, due to their attention and contributions to the Association.

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Regular Members

Regular Members are Indonesian Citizens who verbally and/or in writing express their agreement to jointly strive to implement the Association's Articles of Association.

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Pre-Members (prospective members)

Pre-Members (prospective members) are Indonesian Citizens who verbally and/or in writing express their agreement to join the Association, but due to certain reasons and requirements, have not yet been fully accepted as members until the requirements are met.

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Our Programs

Enhancing awareness of the significance of information and communication through seminars and workshops featuring experts and professionals in information systems (computers).
Organizing academic activities, such as conferences, workshops, and scientific discussions, to enhance capacity and competence regarding the latest developments and innovations in the field of information systems (computers).
R&D scientific journals, books, and other publications in collaboration with academic institutions, government, and industry to establish standards and best practices in the field of IS.
Conducting social activities and community service that utilize technology to foster sustainable community, creating a safe, peaceful, harmonious, and orderly environment through information technology.